Om Improvement : Steady, Comfy, Happy, Yoga.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Impermanence: no attachments

Hahahaha! I just typed a whole blog on an emotional episode and accidentally deleted the whole thing with one keystroke.


As surely as all things arise, they too will pass. Impermanence is the only sure thing.

I am reminded of the 40 foot sq sand mandala that the tibetan monks created at the Expo exhibition. Many Singaporeans where real upset when they ceremonially destroyed it at the end of the exhibition. Some said that it should have been preserved! (Hahahaa how to?!) The sand mandala was created to be destroyed. All things come to an end. As the monks who created it destroyed it themselves, they remind us all that we should not be attached to the fruits of our labour. We will find no satisfaction in the results of the work BUT that it is in the labouring itself where we are content.

Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha!