"Goodbye, igloo!"
"Goodbye, igloo!" was what one of our yogis said after his last class at the Stamford House studio -- in tribute to the uncontrollable temperature of the place and perhaps the patience this inconvenience has taught him. (I hope!?)
I think cultivating an attitude of gratitude creates a greater sense of appreciation of the blessings in our lives. It also makes us aware of how the good and bad things in life are both blessings. Good things in our possession are more cherished while they last, because we know they do not last forever. Unpleasant things teach us patience and we are comforted knowing that they too do not last forever. In the end, we float above all the ups and downs of life and live freely and happily because our state of mind is not entirely determined by external changes. We have no choice over what happens to us but we have a choice on how we want to feel about it.
Come and say your own goodbyes and cultivate gratitude.
Calling all yogis: come and join us on Saturday, 24 September 2005 at 1pm for a little get-together, some potluck food and to observe a moment of pure gratitude for the lovely space that has taken us some way in our yoga practice.
Please rsvp to omimprovement@gmail.com and let us know what you would like to bring to the party. We'll have an online update of the food offering soon so check back on this webpage for the list.